BRR Club™ News
Whimsicle® Wasilla Weekend
Posted 03-26-09 |
Whimsicle® WingdingMark your calendars— the Blue Real Riders® Club is planning a wild and Whimsicle® weekend! Since we've had such success exploiting areas that have suffered natural disasters, this spring we'll be hosting our Blue Real Riders® Club Whimsicle® Wingding at the Convention Cabin in the battle-weary community of Wasilla, Alaska®! ![]() Wasilla, the economically-depressed backwater town that was suddenly thrust into the collectors' spotlight as home of the nation's milfiest Vice-Presidential hopeful, is putting on its makeup and combing its hair in preparation for our pending demise upon the area! You may be able to see Russia from there, but we're the ones invading! This spring, the BRR Club® is teaming up with Whimsicle®, the original frozen treat, to provide the biggest, baddest blowout bash this burg's ever seen! Whimsicle® will be providing some specially-designed Blue Real Riders®-themed ice cream treats, and we'll be bringing our cold, cold hearts! Planned festivities are centered around the Wasilla Convention Cabin, which will be open all weekend with fun family-oriented activities for our members and their kids. ![]() But it's not all for the kids— we'll have plenty of things to keep grown-ups occupied, from a display of full-size cars with rubber tires, to a swimsuit competition, to the topless dancers at the Teddy Bar! Meanwhile, the Mug Shot tavern will be offering Blue Margarita drink specials all weekend long! Of course, once we'd decided to wake up Wasilla, we had to contact the Alaska Governor's office— which was gracious enough to arrange a meet-and-greet event with Sarah Palin Sunday afternoon at the Wasilla Turkey Farm! ![]() When the winter blues are leaving the "lower 48", we'll be dragging them on up to the Great Blue North! Planned events include, but are not limited to:
And don't miss out on the chance to hunt moose and caribou from a BRR® Club full-size Propper Chopper! ![]() As always, we will be giving away a Super Special Limited Edition Exclusive Special Blue Real Riders® Special Event car to all attendees! ![]() Produced in limited quantities, and in keeping with our tradition of producing Things That Are Not Cars, the Blue Real Riders® Alaskan Treadator® will be given away to all attendees at our wild Whimsicle® Wingding Wasilla weekend! And that, of course, is the real reason to come! So don't miss it! With the help of Whimsicle®, the weekend should be a big frozen treat for everyone! Note: The Sarah Palin meet-and-greet is a separate venue from the live nude entertainment. Brought to you in partnership with ![]() |