BRR Club™ Car Catalog
Groovy Moover
Posted 02-14-09 |
![]() 2009 Van Line Club's Groovy MooverWe DO still move 'em the way we used to! Ever ask a friend to help you move? It's not fun. But we'll help you move, and have fun, by offering our first regular-release Blue Real Riders® Club casting of 2009— the Groovy Moover! Almost as heavy as a piece of furniture, the Groovy Moover is the first in this year's line of Vehicles That Are Not Cars! Order now, and we'll load it up on a truck for you! The Blue Real Riders® Club is getting so big we had to move to new digs. So update your bookmarks and call me Sally! We loaded up the truck and moved to PHP! Includes, that is... Webspace... Hosting plans! Our new shared servers should be as quick-loading as the HotWheelsShop.com servers on the Tuesday morning of a Camaro sale! Sure, site maintenance isn't fun, but— any excuse for a party! And we're celebrating this move by unveiling the first BRR® release of the year! We needed something that could handle the load, so we re-tooled a casting that hasn't been made in thirty-five years— the Heavyweights Cabover! Designed by Ira Gilford, it's attached to this year's first BRR Club release, which, in our tradition of naming things with silly names, is dubbed the Groovy Moover! Since our members love Real Riders® wheels so much, this blue box truck gives you twice as many tires that look and feel like the real thing! And the extended plastic trailer is good for your stash, man! Here are all the specs for this special release:
Shipping in a Hot Wheels® Kar Keepers case, each Groovy Moover is priced at only $19.99 plus S&P (shipping & processing). But if this offer doesn't move you, remember that renewing BRR® Club members are automatically enrolled in our new Drag Bus Club, and have the option of purchasing a leftover RLC Taxi Drag Bus instead! There will be a purchase limit of ten vehicles per BRR Club membership on the first week of availability. If quantities remain after the BRR Priority Week, it will become available to hobby stores, mass retailers, and U-Haul® rental outlets. This item is available on a first-come, first-served basis only while supplies last. If you want extras, move your ass— Blue Real Riders® Club memberships are still available! ![]() |